Happy Belated New Year and all the best for 2012 to all my
A lot of people raise an eyebrow when I tell them that I
have a history of polygamy in my family (in fact two generations ago). One
thing that I would really love to do is, over tea/ coffee, have a conversation with
my late grandfather where I try to understand what it took for him to marry
more than one wives, and how he could have possibly split his love amongst all four
wives. I suppose when we are reunited in the afterlife, I will have a chance to
have this conversation with him after all. But this article is not about my
grandfather, it is about the woman that shaped my life before she even knew I
would exist, the woman who even decades after her passing, people remember her
deeds and personality with a broad smile on their faces, it’s about the pillar
of our extended family!