Friday, November 4, 2011

From Conversations to Rumblings

The original authors of conversations with ourselves, Zar and Dot
As many readers know, this blog started out as a partnership between Zar and I but over the last couple of months, it has been proven beyond reasonable doubt that Zar is not yet ready to be immersed into the world of constant blogging/ technology and through all the supposed 'writer's block' that she claimed very often when it was her turn to write something (with all the love Zar), we have decided that i am to continue blogging but under a different blog name, 'rumblings of liberal African.' Zar is one of my very closest friends and colleagues and i will surely miss her lovely blogs (writer's block notwithstanding).

But as you all know, i have a knack for African politics, current affairs generally and suffer from a need to be constantly fed with general knowledge. So in the absence of conversations with ourselves (and trust me those conversations with Zar keep getting better), i have decided to turn the blog to be about my understanding of politics and current affairs in the continent and globally, and for those that are less interested in that, my day to day experiences on living in this great continent. 

Officially welcoming you to project solo and hoping that you will enjoy my rumblings and mutterings! And to Zar, i look forward to you being a guest blogger and perhaps without the pressure of co-author, you may actually prove us wrong!

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